Underwriting The Children’s Hour
We welcome corporate underwriting of The Children’s Hour, a tax-exempt 501c3 nonprofit.
Sponsors of The Children’s Hour benefit from reaching nearly 100 broadcast markets, with a weekly audience of at least 300,000 people, plus tens of thousands more tuned into our podcasts.
We offer only limited corporate underwriting, in order to limit interruption of the programming.
Our underwriting rates are incredibly reasonable, with monthly, quarterly or annual contracts available for your 10 or 20 second sponsorship message. Because we are a nonprofit organization, your sponsorship message may be tax deductible.
We also offer individuals the opportunity to purchase a single episode commemorative announcement for birthdays, anniversaries, or in memoriam.
Please contact us for pricing or with your comments or questions about broadcasting The Children’s Hour on your station, or about sponsoring your product or service on our broadcasts and podcasts.