Podcasts with Learning Guides

These Podcasts have included Learning Guides for using our show in the classroom. Our Learn-Along Guides meet and cite US education standards.


History, Learning Guide, Podcast

Negro Baseball Leagues

For more than forty years, the Negro Baseball Leagues provided opportunities for Black American athletes to play professionally. We learn about these leagues with author, historian, and son of a NBL umpire, Byron Motley. This episode comes with a Learn-Along guide!

Health, History, Learning Guide, Podcast

The Skin We’re In

This time on The Children’s Hour, we explore the skin we are in. We are joined by Dr. Holly McGee and Dr. Nina Jablonski, who have written a book to explain the cultural and social history of skin color called It’s Just Skin, Silly. Then we meet Dr. Adnan Mir, a pediatric dermatologist who helps us understand even more about our skin from a medical point of view. This episode comes with a digital Learn-Along guide that meets and cites educational content standards, to be used in the classroom.

Animals, Learning Guide, Podcast, STEM


We learn all about skunks with world renown mephitologist, Dr. Jerry Dragoo. Mixed with great music sure to captivate kids of all ages. Comes with a Learn-Along Guide!

Learning Guide, Podcast, STEM

Dating Trees

Trees have birthdays too, and scientists find out when they are by studying tree rings. This episode comes with a Learn-Along guide that meets and cites US educational standards.

Animals, Learning Guide, Podcast, STEM


This time on The Children’s Hour, we learn about Manatees, the gentle giants of the sea. In a visit with Andrea Hermann from the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, the Kids Crew and Katie discuss the current ecological status of manatees, plus we find out all about their lives in the seas around Florida and elsewhere in the world.

Learning Guide, Podcast, STEM

Solar Energy

This time on The Children's Hour we explore the most inexpensive energy source in the world: solar power, in a show recorded live at the Solar Fiesta in Albuquerque New Mexico. Comes with a signature Learn-Along Guide!

Learning Guide, Podcast, STEM

Community Science

This time on The Children's Hour we learn how everyone can contribute to active scientific research by participating in Community Science with groups like BEMP: the Bosque Ecosystem Monitoring Program. This episode comes with a free Learn-Along Guide!

Learning Guide, Podcast, STEM

The Brain

This week on The Children’s Hour, we’ll poke around brain science with neuroscientists Nick Aase and Ingrid Lane from The Mind Research Network at the University of New Mexico. Find out how our brains work, develop and are studied.

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